Books and Resources in the Gaelic Read to Me bag
’S e prógram brosnachaidh thar na mór-roinne airson leughadh a th’ann an Leugh Rium. Bidh sinn a’ toirt leabhraichean saor an-asgaidh aig bùird-leapa an ospadail do ghach leanabh a théid a bhreith an Albainn Nuaidh.
’S e spòrs a th’ann ann a bhi a’ bruidhinn, a’ leughadh agus a’ seinn còmhla is iad a bhios ’gur cuideachadh gus bunaiteach a chur air bhonn do dh’ionnsachadh òg ur leanaibh.
Bheiribh gaolagan dh'a chéile, bidh sibh a' toirt tìodhlac dh'ur leanabh a mhaireas fad ur beò!
The Gaelic bag contains 2 baby books in Gaelic:
Please note: book titles in each bag vary
The Gaelic bag also contains:
50 Best Books for Babies Booklet:
Between birth and two years of age babies are growing and developing at an amazing rate and its important that parents choose the right books for each developmental stage. Our 50 Best Books for Babies booklet contains age appropriate book suggestions for parents to enjoy with their baby from birth to age 2.
Library Welcome Card:
This card welcomes your baby to Nova Scotia's Public Libraries. Libraries have books, programs and other services for the whole family to enjoy, Simply bring this card to your community library to register for your baby’s permanent library card. (Some identification will be required). To find your closest public library, visit
Babies Love Books Reading Guide:
Babies Love Books is a month-by-month guide featuring information on reading development, tips for activities as well as book suggestions and rhymes to sing. Parents and caregivers can hang the guide on the wall as an easy and informative daily reference.