Read to Me in the NICU bag

If your baby is admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the IWK Health Centre or Cape Breton Regional, you will receive an additional bag of books from Read to Me.
Your Read to Me in the NICU bag contains two soothing board books, along with a booklet of information about reading to your baby in the NICU environment, book suggestions and rhymes.
Reading is a wonderful way for you and your baby to connect in the NICU. Exposure to language supports your baby's brain and language development, and talking, rhyming and singing will help to build and strengthen emotional bonds.
Watch your baby for cues to know the best time to read, talk or sing

Your baby may be ready to hear a story when they:
make eye contact
have regular breathing and good colour
are looking calm and alert
bring their hands towards their mouth
Your baby is ready for a break when they:
turn away
cry or yawn
arch their back or squirm
are limp, tired or looking stressed
For more information about reading to your baby in the NICU, check out the booklet in your Read to Me in the NICU bag: