Celebrating 20 Years of Giving Books at Birth!
Read to Me 2022 Social Media Guide
Social media is a great way to connect with families, local community, and partner organizations.
Share and retweet with these hashtags:
#NSReadtoMe, #NSbabieslovebooks, #readtoyourbaby, #homelanguage
Sample social media content:
Since 2002 #NSReadtome has given over 157,500 book bags containing 367,000 FREE baby books! What books did your baby receive when they were born? #NSbabieslovebooks, #readtoyourbaby
#NSReadtoMe is celebrating 20 years of giving books to babies! What was your favourite part of reading to your baby? #NSbabieslovebooks
For 20 years, #NSReadtoMe has given a FREE bag of books to every baby to motivate and empower every family in Nova Scotia to read, talk and sing with their baby #NSReadtome #novascotia #readtoyourbaby #NSbabieslovebooks
#NSReadtoMe gives free bags of books to babies born at all 9 hospitals that offer maternity services in Nova Scotia. #NSReadtome20 #NSReadtome #novascotia #readtoyourbaby
The #NSReadtoMe bag is available in 5 languages: Arabic, French, Chinese, English and Mi’kmaq. Ask for a bag in your language! #NSReadtoMe #readtoyourbaby #novascotia #NSbabieslovebooks
Speaking & reading in your home language is important! #NSReadtome offers bags in 5 languages, but did you also know that Read to Me also has individual books in 22 additional languages? Visit readtome.ca to see what languages are available #NSReadtome #novascotia #homelanguage
Did you know that learning to read begins at birth? That’s why #NSReadtoMe gives a free bag of books to every baby born in Nova Scotia at the hospital bedside
Reading to your baby helps build the foundation for language learning. That’s why #NSReadtome gives a free bag of books to every baby born in Nova Scotia at the hospital bedside, in the language of each family’s choice. #NSreadtoyourbaby
Reading to your baby helps create lasting bonds with parents and caregivers. Read to your baby every day! #NSReadtome
#NSReadtome is celebrating 20 years of giving books at birth. Research shows that providing families with books and reading resources at birth has a measurable impact on early learning and brain and language development.
#NSReadtome20 #NSReadtome #novascotia #readtoyourbaby